Sergeant Larry Young, PC#499


Appointed 1969. Fallen Feb 2nd, 1987

For eighteen years, Sergeant Larry Young served with the VPD, receiving three Commendations for Bravery. Before becoming one of the founders of the newly formed Emergency Response Team (ERT), Sergeant Young had successful careers with Vice, Internal Investigations, Drug Squad, Cheque Squad, Patrol and other VPD Sections/Teams. Amongst his peers, Sergeant Young was well-known for his leadership, and love of playing rugby.

On February 2nd, 1987, ERT was called to assist the Drug Squad with a high-risk arrest in the 3400 Block of West 2nd Avenue. Though it was his day off, Sergeant Young accompanied his team to the scene. The suspect, John Sheffield was a known gang leader wanted for trafficking cocaine. Unknown to the police, Sheffield had a police scanner and was alert and ready. 

Before entering, ERT tossed a “flash-bang” noise maker through a window to distract the suspect while a team, led by Sergeant Young, kicked open the back door. As Sergeant Young entered, Sheffield fired an M1 Carbine short rifle, hitting Sergeant Young in the neck killing him instantly. As Sergeant Young fell, members of his team returned fire, killing the suspect. 

The Death of Sergeant Larry Young inspired the ERT to seek out further training from the US SWAT, and they are now one of the best Emergency Response Teams in the world. 

Sergeant Young’s life has continued to inspire many. In 2009, community volunteers and police officers built a new playground, the Larry Young Park and Local Heroes Pathway and every May the VPD hosts a memorial run in honour of the fallen officer.